
[Authorize CHPP]

Sheldon and Wil ©

Purpose: Fun with Flags allows you to automate capturing flags on if you are a nerdy supporter of the infamous online-game like myself.

The project was created out of frustration about having to click around for a total of hours only to challenge the available maximum of 25 opponents for the friendlies every single week.

FwF takes that burden of having to click through league after league of you and lets you use your time for more valuable things.


  1. Log-in with CHPP
  2. Follow the authorization process
  3. Authorize Fun with Flags
  4. Back on FwF click the flag you want to grab
  5. Click on "Challenge"
  6. That's it! The rest is done by Fun with flags for you!:)

Limitations/ features: For now only mass-booking Friendlies is possible. In the future features like pattern-based flag-capturing (e.g.: all flags of Latin America), missions, achievements and scheduled complete auto-pilot capturing are planned. Stay tuned!;)

Contributing: This project is in beta-phase as of 2023-12-22 (my Christmas-Project! :)) If you want to sponsor me a coffee, contribute (ui/code/translation) or have questions, then please get in touch!

Under the hood: This project will be released as free software (free as in freedom) under the GPLv3 license once it's out of beta. It was realized based on python and flask.

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License & copyright disclaimer:The software-code that constitutes this website is published on under the GPLv3 License and uses ht-libs, a back end-library written in python and published under the Apache v2.0 License. You find a copy of the GPLv3 license here: You find a copy of the Apache v2.0 license here: All other content on this website, including content provided under license by, is either in the public domain or was published with a right to use by the websites owner in his best knowledge. Should you happen to be the holder of the copyright of content published on this website and see a violation of your copyright, please get in touch.